SAS Call Center

See What 10 SAS Employees Believe The Future Holds for Call Center Outsourcing

The concept of call center outsourcing has changed. Whether you’re calling your favorite e-commerce shop to ask why you haven’t received your shoes yet, texting your doctors office to confirm your upcoming appointment, or on live-chat with an electronics store while they compare the price you found online to see if they can match it, you’d never know if you are communicating with the office itself or a call center provider. Where using a call center used to be answering phones and taking messages, today’s call center is an omni-channel paradise with expert agents trained on the brand they’re representing, and with a focus on the customer experience.

With how much call center technology and what’s capable to be outsourced changes almost every minute, it’s always fun to see what people in the industry think about where the industry is headed. What’s on the horizon? To get some perspective, we cornered 10 of our employees to get their predictions on call center services over the coming years.

Here’s what our crew said:

What do you think about the SAS employees predictions? Are they right on point on or a bit sour? If you have some other ideas, feel free to connect with us on twitter @SpecialtyAnswer.

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